*yawns* unwilling to crawl out frm my blanket && prepare ~ damn tired lorhh , only slept for 5hrs . puffy puffy eye ~_~ brought those heavy stuffs to the fleas market , setup && blahx3 . done aft a few mins && Sat down . the human traffic was not very good ii mst say . all damn cheapo lorhh ! buay tahan them , haish . yy mst there be economic crisis leyys? lols ! im very the guai , didn't spend alot. ii only brought a Elmo flurry rm slipper , damn cute && nice to touch :) cute-able (: hahahahs :D cannot tolerate the hot scorching weather , sweat here && there -_-'' packed up && went home at 3plus . dunch wana waste time && effort at there le ~ reached home damn shiok lorhh >.< shim at lot1 . had dinner at the food court . shop-ed around at Watson , brought a new item frm garnier , Aqua defense eye Roll-on && mascara && a eye definer frm a jap brand named majolica Majorca :) aftermath , took bus302 home . chit-chatting on the bed . will be gg over to his hse to sleep. lmao ~
yay ! tmr gg to mandai to visit grandpa , at the same time can meetup with my precious :) hehehehehs ~ ii wana watch movies :( bring me out for a movie ok?
-tis few days when I'm off , ii will go down to WM to accompany KHIM DARLING. chit-chatted bout our BFs (; && gossip bout "special" people we noe . lols ! but also not much.. cause its just a casual chat for that *LAME SHIT n there's always alot more important stuff for us to discuss and talk about.. well.. as you know.. human being always need some kind of enjoyment/joke just like chatting about all this *LAME SHIT to laugh about and get back serious for work aftermath.. well well well.. after all, we were still very positive.. that's the way to keep us alive and stay good.. we will not be that easy to be knocked down right? hahas.. I LOVE AND MISS YOU MUCH! see ya tmr~ *awaiting for our PARTY ya.. counting down as well ;D
hot topics... though I'm in no position to talk about others..but still there is so many many people that likes gossiping.. WHY WHY WHY??? are they just busybodies, or are they too bored, or they have got nothing better to do, or no other topics for them to talk about, or we are just being TOO POPULAR??? had always been wondering about this question for very long. but i all along felt very positive about this question.. that's why I'm leading a very GOOD life and have a VERY loving BF.. that had always been with me all along whether good or bad.. so that causes envies, jealousy and etc. whatever it is, I'm very thankful to all this good or bad comments flying around me.. because this made me realise actually there is so much more people that are concern and cares about me, other then those that i had already known.. so really *THANKS* and a *BIG BOW* to all of you.. i felt REAL FORTUNATE!!! I LOVE YOU~M&M products :)
elmo are bein loved :)
nights && buais~